Tired of the Insurance headaches? We have the Solution.
What Our Clients Say
Medical Billing 911 has handled our medical billing for the last 12 years. Medical Billing 911 has been extremely successful in obtaining payments from Medicare, Medicaid, and the various commercial health insurance firms. They have gone the “extra mile” to collect as much as possible on each and every claim. We’ve been completely satisfied with the medical billing services provided by Medical Billing 911.
Henry Wehrum, D.O.
Dennison Renal Care
Sheri is amazing, quick, efficient, accurate, and has helped me through business transitions. I highly recommend Medical Billing 911. I wish I had met her sooner!
Julie Johnson, LPCC
Don’t Be This Guy
We empower your practice to improve its financial productivity. We reduce your billing anxieties and increase your cash flow. Our Professional Medical Billing Services are available to practices throughout the United States. If you are interested in increasing your bottom line and improving accuracy, please contact us for a free consultation.
Featured Services
Forward Thinking
Our consultants are experts in the healthcare industry.
Increased Revenue
Delivering revenue is the foundation of our business.
6% Of Collections
We work hard to get you the money you deserve.
Sensible Solutions
We provide you with practical and easy solutions for your business.